
Vegetarian vs. lacto vegetarian vs. pescatarian

Should VC add any of these:
Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
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Votes: 459 Male 559 Female 1018 Total
Member Comments ?
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The -vegetarians are still vegetarians; if they want to drill down into their specifics within that, they can do so on their profiles... the flesh-eaters should not be included unless you want to negate the point of this site.
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
I am transforming into a Breatharian from being a vegan; so i say add Breatharian please.
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I don't think anyone should condone the consumption of animal flesh or animal products.
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Whizarian? I want to meet one! But afraid their lifespan is probably very short.
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I am vegetarian for a few years. If you eat all kinds of animals you are not vegetarian. But if you try to be vegetarian that's good for you.after you stopped eat meat not long you will feel the difference.
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Nah, just change the activity "Bicycling" to "Cycling" and I'll be happy.
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Please leave this site for vegan/vegetarians
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Someone who eats fish or fowl isn't vegetarian
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Hyphenated-vegetarians are merely "Wannabe-vegetarians" who aren't willing to make a Complete-Commitment. That's why the guy had to invent the word "Vegan" to separate us from "The - Wannabes".
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Thank you for make me laugh!!!
It is like a whole menu.
You are vegetarian or you are NOT vegetarian
the same way that a woman is pregnant or is not pregnant
it can't be half way!
But if that makes you happy, you can cheat yourself :))))
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Isn't the point to find like minded people (like the website name says ''veggie'') who share similar lifestyles? All the different diet options makes it sound like it is a place for losing weight. It makes me wonder if the people on here are really serious about the lifestyle and not just about finding a partner. I agree with some members, if any meat is added to the list of diets I'm out too. KEEP IT VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN. NO DEAD ANIMALS, PLEASE.
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No. Don't bring in any of these. They're all euphemisms for Omni....various diets that involved senseless violence. They're all the same whether it's fish, fowl, eggs, casual. ...and the Breatharians shouldn't subscribe to veggie connection as it's about being veggie haha. Best to keep it simple. (1) Vegan (2) Vegetarian (half-arsed vegan) (3) Casual veggie (using the wrong dating site).      ;-)
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Please, oh please...let us keep one site sacred for those of us who really are searching for like-minded individuals. It isn't all that easy!
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No, don't make the site a joke!
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The site is called Veggieconnection. Not, "occasional flesh-eaters connection".
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Don't add any of them. Pescaterian/Flexetarian are just alternate names for omni.
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I believe this site should be designated for those who have committed their lives and diets to vegetarianism and veganism.
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Love the sense of humor for whoever came up with Whizarian.
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no dont add any of these
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This is humorous!
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Bring a vegan is like being pregnant and you are or you aren’t
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
Certified Organic and natural food
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I agree with many other comments here....there are many sites with non-veg profiles, why have a veggie site with non-veg options? What's the point of calling it a veggie site then!!!
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Breatharian is the only one of those which has compatibility with this site I think. Descriptions can be added to a person's profile. If you eat flesh then go where the flesh eaters are. Shouldn't be here though.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
No. Be either veggie. Or vegan.
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perhaps add - Junk food Vegan trying to clean up his/her act. Not me, but willing to be flexible with others
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People can explain specifics in their profile!
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i for one would not date any of these! ...maybe breatharian
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
I'd totally want to meet up with a breatharian!
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This is a joke. Polloterian and pescepollotarian. These are all just different variations of flexible veganism/vegetarianism which I don't subscribe to. Either do it or don't. Just don't go back on your own beliefs you decided yourself just because you like fish or chicken too much.
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I am a vegetarian, and that is the only description that I refer my self as. Thank you.
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Yeah, what the heck is a semi-vegetarian?
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This is a vegetarian site, isn't it? Why add non-vegetarians? There are lots of dating sites, but not many for vegetarians. Let's not lose this one by diluting the focus. It will remove the whole reason for being here.
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Whizarian: When you consume more amphetamines than food...keeps you awake though
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Why complicate it? People who are not vegan might aspire to be one day, and can add a comment about what exactly they are in their description if they choose. Whether someone is flexetarian, pescatarian or lacto/ovo, all it means to me is that there is a small component of their diet/lifestyle that I don't support, and I am more interested in their aspiration to eliminate it rather than what it is. It is not necessary on their profile.
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I'm a lifelong vegan of almost 30 years. Absolutely NOT!!!
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None are real vegetarian, particularly those that eat flesh. Pescatarian, pollotarian, what a joke. That’s like saying porkitarian or bovinitarian because one eats pig or cow sometimes!! No, no, no. Let them go to Match. com. !!!
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We don’t need any of these categories if the ultimate goal is to prevent the unnecessary exploitation and suffering of sentient beings... I would like to meet a breatharian though, seems like they are quite elusive!
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
For hindus, this is what they mean by the term "Pure Veg". Pure Veg restaurants can be found all over India and Nepal. In my 25 years of traveling the region, I am yet to find a single vegan restaurant.
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Why not just add "excusitarian"? Better yet, get rid of "semi vegetarian." What is that, anyway? Someone who claims to only eat "humane" meat? Gah.
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Keep evolving people and go vegan.
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Plant based, no harm to animals... Maybe we need a veganconnection! :-)
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
I have read some of the comments below and I am bamboozled by the simplicity of these black and white views. Many of u sound like born again christians preaching thee gospel! U repel more people than u draw in simply by your holier than thou attitudes. The fact of the matter is that we humans, are Rogue primates with no natural place on this earth any more.The world's culture is based entirely on the abuse and misuse of animals. Food is but one area. Many of u seem to have missed the attempt at humour above. Your simplicity does not march conscious living forward.
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Breatharian? Is that a ghost? NONSENSE! I am a Vegan who's interested in Vegan animal rights activists not idiots! No vegetarian is not good enough. Vegetarians may mean well but they are still supporting the barbaric dairy, egg and honey industries.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
I only eat eggs from my own hens, as I know they live good lives
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There are plenty of websites that exist for these people/that lifestyle. Please do NOT add them into the mix here!
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Never met a Breatharian in my life. Never even knew it existed. I'm exited to meet one. I do fast from time to time. Can wait to exchange some positive vibes and reach new spiritial heights.
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Wow they're too many unnecessary categories! There's a large dating site that has ''plant based'' as a diet which you would think would be a vegan or at least vegetarian! But it has no meaning for many women I have contacted and probably even is more meaningless for men!
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
It's a bit of a jump from ovo-lacto-vegetarian to vegan, so for the people making the transition in stages, these categories could be useful.
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
whizarian ... jeez
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Looking to connect with Vegans
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Veganism is the ONLY way to be, vegetarianism is NOT enough, they are tortured for eggs and dairy too. Chicken and fish count as MEAT, is this a joke???
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Complete and utter nonsense
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all who eat CORPSE or fish, birds, or any SHIT like that, ir eat CRAP stolen milk of animals, are demons of hell. do NOT comtaminate this site with their INFECTION.
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What about wfpb? That’s what many people are who are vegan due to a health concern. See Forks Over Knives, Engine 2, What the Health, and many other documentaries about Whole-Food-Plant-Based.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
I became a Vegetarian in stages and later Vegan in stages. It may matter to someone. Perhaps instead there should be checkboxes with what you will eat and won't eat now and in the future. Those that are still phasing out various types of animal corpses, are probably not ready for this site. Yet, people may desire to add or eliminate things from their diet, so isn't their path also important? And then the status of the designation we choose could be weighted for strictness (1 to 100%) For example, if I'm Vegan 364 days out of the year and then one day eat a piece of cheese am I no longer Vegan? If I had a slide selector that went from 1 to 100%, I might select 99%. I have known several would-be Vegans, who, due to health issues, were forced to modify their diets back to Vegetarian until they could figure out what they were doing wrong. I certainly don't fault them for that. I have never met anyone who was Vegan from birth. And know that Mother's milk is an animal product.
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Naw, not needed.
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
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Please, don`t add any of those above, otherwise this site is going to lose the freedom to have discussions and people who have a common interest: Protecting the animals, above all!
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WFPB is the only powerful way to clear out blood vessels. Don't take my word for it, check out the documentary 'What the Health', go to a Forks over Knives Meetup, & soak up educational videos on
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From vegetarian I'm a vegan now:-)
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
As I have evolved in the process of becoming more of a vegan as learn more and take further steps along the way, I think having further distinction in one's choices could be helpful. I think saying 95 percent plant-based diet would be helpful.
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Too many other sites have these, and it kinds of defeats the purpose. Keep it how it is!
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I think you should not poison this site with all of this ridiculousness. Keep it simple and true. Thanks, Robert
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
No continuous flesh eaters belong here on a website designed for vegetarians/vegans to meet, however specifications such as lacto/ovo help distinguish types of vegetarians and are practical for knowing dietary requirements/necessities.
Thank you.
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Some people are 'strict' ..It changes through out your life and needs and understanding. You could change to ovo lacto vegetarian but its a bit of a mouthful. People should clarify in the description 'AT THE PRESENT TIME I AM OL VEGE OR VEGAN' , I HAVE BEEN MAINLY VEGE FOR XX years. That may be more relevant to see if it is a phase or not?Also some people do not cook meat at home but might be flexible occasionally eating out? That is more important 'only occasionally eating out' or I'm vege enough but not so much in sex?lol
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Three proposed categories add unnecessary complexity to the distinction between vegan and vegetarian. Four of them simply mean non-vegetarian and the remaining two are literally a joke.
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I really don't see the point in all these different names depending on what part of the animal people eat. You're either eating animals, or you're not. It doesn't really matter if you eat, fish, meat, eggs or dairy. You still get the same animal protein in you, and you are still paying others to torture and kill animals.
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
Pescatarian and Pollotarian are just rediculous, as if fish and birds weren't animals. They have no place here as far as I'm concerned.
I would love for the Breatharian thing to disapear, while I truley believe in mind over matter and that all things are possible, the vast majority of people have nowhere near the capability to achieve that kind of state. People have died and continue to die buying into the Breatharian lie, please don't help spread it.
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From vegetarian/pescetarian/flexetarian, Im a vegan now
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Vegan or vegetarian transitioning to vegan only. Vegan is a social / animal rights position. Vegetarian shouldn't include eating of animals. Imho.
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Ke facil es ser opresor, pero más fácil es ayudar a todas las oprimidas.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
Just add the ones directly relating to a REASONABLY DEFINABLE "vegetarian" diet. ALL others include fowl, fish or are verging on the ridiculous. I am mostly a very open minded person myself...but strictness has to play a part too... MY REASONING is whilst it's good to tolerate vegs who might become vegan. To not label vegets in the specific way for each type is unjust for people potentially coming to know them, and dishonest for both parties subsequently... That is why i tick those 3 boxes for the main 3 veg types. Beyond that is playing with madness and a dis-service to the integrity of vegan`sm.
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Youre either vegan or you arent. thats it.
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
i want breatharian because survival of the fittest. If somebody's dumb enough to think that's a sustainable way of life, they don't deserve to live.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
I thought it was a good idea but I liked the comments below better.  I think adding nearly to the existing categories would be simpler and still be effective.   Perhaps also adding a separate aspiring diet type to the profile would be more useful.
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Breatharians are true Angels, and depend on the light. ;)
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Why not? Perhaps this is a higher level of spiritual practice.
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I am a believer, an ecologist for animal welfare,and then commy with any such people.
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Vegan and dont know how anyone could eat animal products. Its not only unethical, but gross and stupid. But then again my tribe was forced to eat dead animals by the savage Canadians who are still killing us for no reason.
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Ha. Love the whizarian. Wish I was...
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
We need more idiots so yes, bring it on! lolololololol
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Even though the original definition of Vegetarian is equivalent to todays Vegan definition
I have always viewed Vegetarians as someone that eats a little dairy, chicken, eggs and fish from time to time and mostly stays off red meet and pork. I have never met a Vegetarian that does not consume at least one of these animal products.
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How about adding one that is "whole plant based living, no oils"
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Of these, the only ethical one is breatherian!
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
i have not yet done this but, i intend to instead of using a compost bin i will feed my scraps to a few chickens in my backyard and then use the waste for the garden, they lay eggs regardless of what happens so i will give them a good life in exchange for the eggs, also a native Australian bee hive in my garden would over produce honey. would be a waste not to use it.
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
I say a prayer to each fish, and thank them for the protein
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This is silly. You're either a vegetarian (eat plants, dairy and eggs) or a vegan (eat all plants and no animal products). Chicken and fish are meat, so people who eat them are meat eaters.
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None of these, though an option for those transitioning could be useful
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Vegetarian means no meat in the diet, so it doesn't seem necessary to add any of the above. I definitely would not want this site to include those who consume any type of meat or fish. Let's keep it vegetarian/vegan!
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Just keep it Vegan / Vegetarian, too much profile info renders awkwardness if the audience already knows everything :D
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Joined specifically because it's a site for veggie/vegan people
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
Cheese and eggs eaters are not vegetarians, but I understand they are on the way and could be also mislead by the vegetarian word that has been so misused. Fish eaters don’t belong to site at all, fish are just as much as an animal as a dog, chicken or cow, very very far from a vegetable.
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A Breatharian, although a liar, or dead, is theoretically vegan. In practice, they are a mystery. So I say no to them ;)
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
Seems that fish is classified as meat, fish is fish, meat is from a mammal, and yes dairy should also be listed also as it is probably the most unhealthily for humans.
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
Some of these choices are clearly tongue-in-cheek! So with that in mind, I'll propose another: "Chegan" - cheating vegan. It describes me when I'm in close proximity to chocolate. I know, I know, dark chocolate can be vegan, but what ya gonna do when its not there? One of the reasons I'm vegan is because I love this planet. (we're destroying this planet faster because of the so called food producing animals) And this planet is the only place in the universe I know to get chocolate! :-)
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
I am a vegetarian who eats dairy products but not mushroom,onion, eggs and garlic
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No! As it is most people don’t know the difference between vegetarian or vegan. This would cause information overload. It takes great willpower and the ability to debate vegeterian/vegan criticism to be and remain vegetarian or vegan. Those are the ONLY 2 categories that should be on this site. If someone is not a real vegetarian or vegan they can easily note that on their profile.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Its probably a good idea to add ovo & lacto as so many Americans don't know the difference between animal & plant-derived food (especially in terms of ingredients). I heard a TED talk on Reducetarian (reducing animal diet) as being more politically sensitive than Flexitarian which is kind of a joke. If you want a better class of people, they should be sacrificing the species demeaning lifestyles. Most people consider themselves spiritually minded till it comes to practice. I do think transitioning to a lighter diet in phases may be better than all or nothing, eh? Some have non-use of leather goods as part of the pkg, & what about what you feed your cats (if even domesticated pets are allowed)?
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If this is a site for vegans and vegetarians, then keep it that way, otherwise I'm out.
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I'm Vegan, not need other...
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
I follow a vedic diet.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
I very recently (yesterday) joined this site looking for fellow vegans and vegetarians.
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No!!  There should be only 2 categories: (1) Vegetarian (2) Vegan. One who eats any animal flesh and/or blood is a carnivore. A vegetarian does not eat animals. A vegan is a vegetarian who does not consume dairy products as well.
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♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
Not all of us have been lucky enough to have been born vegan. Many of us started as vegetarians, and before that, meat eaters. People who are vegetarian and eat eggs/dairy etc. are perhaps transitioning to become vegan. Perhaps there is the perfect vegan partner on here for them.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
Why not? Some people are only at the beggining of their vegetarian/vegan journey & they might need more options to fit their current diet/lifestyle. "Vegetarian Going vegan" or "transitional vegan" would be great to add for that reason.
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No need
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
If you add anything besides vegetarian and vegan than you will sort of be forced to add multiple things.
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
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no possible the first 3
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I wish this would be a place to find only vegan people :)
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I don't think it really matters what kind of vegetarian you are... and if you eat meat (fish, fowl, sometimes anything), you're not a vegetarian at all.
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
It's difficult enough to find vegan partners without shipping in a load of flesh eaters- there are so many meat eaters on veggie dating sites anyway, we don't need even more, please!
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there is NO difference between consuming flesh, dairy or eggs-either one willingly supports the exploitation, suffering and death of non-human animals or they do not. all of these iterations fall under the non-vegan category and are therefore morally equivalent.
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It seems, to me, it would rather defeat the purpose of this site.
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Animal product is animal product. There's a million sites for people who eat that. Let's keep this one site focused on the green.
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There's vegan and then there's pseudovegan.
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
Eggetarian.. should be included.
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A lot of vegetarianism but I prefer vegan in my diet back to basic original design simple palatable but nutritious......
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
I would like to meet a Breatharian, but I am a bit skeptical ;-)
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I am a vegetarian and want to stay that way. I would resist the tendency for the site to become dominated by vegans. At the same time I abhor the idea of flesh-eaters on the site.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
I believe it's helpful to know what category a person relates to.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Yes these can help.
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To many lables! just stop eating flesh already
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I value that this site is mostly vegan.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Conserv "vegetarian" it will keeping the question still open lol also Unity ;)
Don't divide too much with devil's area lol but it is good to give the possibilty to tell more about each individuality ;)

Also just think about declining all of them between raw and cook or something as rawcook lol
specially for the 0.1 to 5% like jungle because after all we have to rebalance flexitarian anyway lol
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
Nearly vegetarian or willing to become 1 with a partner
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I could possibly entertain "Nearly-vegetarian" as a meaningful category. The rest are counterproductive.Funny isn't it, how something as simple as a label can be either empowering or restrictive & divisive.
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so many descriptions of diets. much. no perfect. at least for me. I fall short from time to time. i prefer healthy and vegan.
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Meatarians not allowed. Please rename this site: veganconnection
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
No corpses of any kind on the table
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Also fruitarian.
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Glad to see that you have a sense of humor !!!
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
♦ Pollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fowl
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
♦ Pescepollotarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish and fowl
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
I think we need to accept that everyone is on a different stage of their journey and if they can find support they will continue to evolve. Remember what it was like before you went vegetarian or vegan. I think they should all be welcomed at this site. If a pescetarian  falls in love with a vegan on here it won't be long before we can add another vegan to the clan!!!
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
No flesh eaters please.
♦ Don't add any of these!
I would rather see this site be completely vegan! Anything else is eating animals. I do love that you have raw and fruitarian listed, however.
♦ Don't add any of these!
Respect for animal's lifes....
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Flexetarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats whatever sometimes
♦ Breatharian - consumes no food and obtains all nutrients from the air
Eating is as not important as the way we think!!!
♦ Don't add any of these!
Love vegetables
♦ Don't add any of these!
Vegan is truly the only way to go.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
Eggs are starting to taste too much like dead flesh.... makes me grin !
♦ Don't add any of these!
I expected to find vegetarians and vegans on a site like this. Instead I find a lot of meat eaters. Having a salad with your steak doesn't make you vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, or any other type of vegetarian. It just makes you a meat eater. The same thing goes for pescetarian. Fish are animals. Fish eaters don't belong on a vegetarian site any more than cow or dog eaters.
♦ Pescatarian - mostly vegetarian, but eats fish
Please add Pescetarian because it offers more variety.
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Vegan or vegetarian, simple...if you eat fish you're not vegetarian if you eat chicken on a Tuesday...not vegetarian, if you only eat meat if no veggie option is available on the menu you're a carnivore...???.
♦ Ovo-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats eggs but not dairy
♦ Lacto-vegetarian - vegetarian who eats dairy but not eggs
♦ Change Vegetarian to Ovo-lacto-vegetarian; it's more descriptive
eating fish and birds is called carnivore and is in no way vegetarian ,should be excluded from this site
♦ Don't add any of these!
So many of these labels are for people who are not really vegetarians at all,just wannabes. That said, I do find the "whizatarian" option pretty cute. "Breathatarian" sounds like a great way to lose weight.
♦ Don't add any of these!
I Believe Simplicity is the KEY here...
♦ Whizarian - a diet exclusively of cheez whiz®
Well, if you're going to do something, do it all the way.

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