
Reason for Diet/Lifestyle Choice

My primary reason for choosing my diet/lifestyle (vegetarian/vegan/macro/...)
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Financial (Save money)
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
I like to be different and stand out from the crowd
Votes: 419 Male 598 Female 1017 Total
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Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
100% for the animals, but then all the other benefits come with it!
I wish this was a checkbox style answer because I am vegan for many reasons, but the original reason that brought me to it was environmentalism. As I learned more, I also am now vegan for animal rights, workers rights, my own physical health, my mental wellbeing in addition to the reducing my negative impact on the environment.
Health was my first reason, but have learn so much of what cruelty to animals and how it is destroying the environment
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
I don't want to dead animals
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Plant based food lifestyle makes sense for all reasons ;I have been a vegetarian for many years; vegan for  3
I live by the motto of Stay healthy because sickness is profit.
Most meat that is sold today at supermarkets is not healthy.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I never want to contribute to any beings suffering or death.
The health of all life on this tiny ball of ice spinning out of control in the middle of nowhere is paramount.
For health but over time realise the benefit to the planet Earth and animals.
All of the five first reasons above.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Environmental impact is the more common answer I'd give as to why I'm still vegetarian after 25 years of it but originally it was from a concern for animal welfare
There are three good reasons for being a vegetarian, not killing animals, saving the environment, and health. They are all important and no other choice has so many positives.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals have a soul and d'user et our respect and love
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All of the above three, but it won't let you click Ethics, Health and Religious (bhakta yoga practitioner) together. All are equally important to me.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
health of the animals
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
There can be other reasons, but they should be considered insignificant compared to basic compassion and a disgust at the human murder of animals.
hoping to limit my impact on our planet.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Grew up on a dairy farm and loved the cows. So went vegetarian in my early twenties. Recently went vegan because I learned how even eating dairy causes suffering to the cows and their calves. On the farm it seemed they were well cared for but I never asked where the male calves went when they were taken away, or stopped to consider that the cows must always be kept pregnant to produce milk. Never considered the pain to the Mother having her new baby taken away. For me it was the next step in consciousness. But also love the health benefits.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Started out as health choice. Now it is ethical - could never go back.
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I love all animals and they do have emotions. I can't tolerate animal abuse.....let them live in peace !
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I cannot continue to contribute to the torture and suffering of animals.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All life is equal
it's all. ethics /compassion /animal rights and health
Just for health. Would love to live like most others just can't.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Dont want animals to suffer or die for my lifestyle.
First just health reasons, but staying vegan for the ethical reasons
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Because I love all animals!
Growing up the 'culture' said had to have meat and dairy to be healthy.
Now the grocery store aisles are full of processed food, which can't be good for us. 
No wonder many are fat, sick and nearly dead!
Have awoken and changing lifestyle to reflect new understanding of nutrition (which like to read up on and watch video on often), to separate myself from and make others aware of the cruelty imposed on  our fellow earth creatures who are part of the human commodity food chain, and to hopefully help others to see that there is a better way, and of course to continue growing and making positive lifestyle changes, outlook,  attitudes, etc.
Although I stopped eating animals to achieve better health. I am now a strong ethical vegan.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All life is precious. Animals are not property.
I am into spirituality
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
One cannot live a life centered in love and kindness and also eat animals.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Violence, arrogance and cruelty. It is enough
I did it mainly for health reasons at the start, now its my life! I am happy and proud to have gone vegan, it has been one of the best decision i have made in life and now i do it not just for health but for the rest of the impact it has on the world and the animals. <3
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
& the way to better health.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
It started with my health and went from there.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I gauge a person by how she/he treats people they have nothing to gain from, animals and the Earth. To be vegetarian is to be more spiritually aware. To respect all consciousness is to be more conscious. The most vulnerable are not there to be abused, exploited and killed!! True compassion and love is not conditional.
...Do no harm. To yourself, and to the life and world around you.
This is all about unconditionally loving, sharing and showing our Beloved Earthlings there is another more conscious way of Well-Being. It is all about giving, not taking...
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
It all started as a selfish need to obtain the healthiest lifestyle. But at this point of my life, nothing is more important to me than the life of the oppressed. The nameless. The voiceless. Injustice cannot last forever.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Not only animals are being used so are fellow humans.
Animal kinship!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
We don't need to kill and torture animals to survive. Humans are greedy and self serving and it makes me sick how some people can disassociate themselves and become desensitised to the horrific and unnecessary cruelty of the meat, diary and fur trade
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Its also the fountain of youth and saving lives both you and animals
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
1, 2, & 4. I honour and respect all living being, with love.
Health (physical, emotional, spiritual) -- mine, the animals', the planet's
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
There is no need to kill to nourish oneself.
...just following my heart.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
1, 2, & 4.
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
I was brought up by an inspirational Mum, who is vegetarian. We were all brought up to respect animals and our bodies. I also believe in organics and healthy mind, body and soul.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animal foods are bad for us & the poor Animals Being Abused!
Health, Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights brought me as Vegan. Religion and Health issues.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
No longer shall we turn a blind eye while our brothers and sisters in feathers and fur are brutally tortured and murdered.
Both ethics and health.
I woke up, went vegan and feel great.
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
I was born in veg family, its part of my religion . Now it is a conscious choice.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
all beings are equal, no one has the right to take other's beings lives.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I do not want to satiate my hunger with some others' life.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
It is Ethics, Health and Environment.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I love you all :)
Jesus did not eat meat. I follow Jesus. Jesus was prolife and compassionate. I follow Jesus.
Compassion has become important to me, I felt a conflicted for years while still eating meat.
Initially health was my primary motivator then it became common sense and compassion.
I Love Animals
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Only one choice compassion
I like to be different and stand out from the crowd
I feel unique when im sitting in a round table with the people i know.
Environmental becausevits goid for the earth, the animals, and my health.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
what made me vegetarian were the health benefits but what made me vegan were the ethics and environmental aspects and understanding that all beings were connected, and it's not right of us to cause so much harm.
Financial (Save money)
At first it was finacial and health reason, later religious and ethics.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
This is a choice I have lived by for many years.
Health is great on my Vegan diet.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I was a vegetarian before I could walk and talk. :) Seriously as a child I'd hide any meat under the side items. So it's kinda a natural state of being that I never gave up.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals all the way. The environmental and health benefits are just gravy--vegan gravy, of course!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All the above.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All the reasons here and more- one's bodies (all levels) become more atomic (light-filled).
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals are my friends and Angels for humans to care for and love and look after, the fear of being killed goes into the emotional body of the human I like to live clean and have a light footprint on our Earth.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Only for the animals. The fact that veganism is great for the Earth and the only logical thing to do, comes as a number 2, and my own health comes after that
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
they must be respect like anything alive
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Health also and opened mind, environment.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
health is a great benefit
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethical - Humans need to be the voice of animals, we need to stop this crazy holocaust of animals
All mammals on earth are raw vegans except humans, and they don't suffer from the diseases that humans do. Most human diseases can be traced to eating animals and processed food and environmental pollution, with genetics only accounting for 6-7%.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All animals are friends - not food!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I like to minimize killing
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
also health, environment
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Once I stopped eating animal products for environmental and health reasons, my heart became open to feeling compassion for all beings.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
To connect the unconnected in unexpected ways, it matters!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Learning about the impact of farming and the treatment of animals helped me decide to go vegan.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I don't eat anything with eyeballs.
The eyes are the windows to the soul.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Health and environment as well
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Health and environment are also important to me as well.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
There are so many reasons to not eat meat. The first reason I became vegetarian was when I was a child and no longer wanted to eat animals. Since becoming a vegetarian I found so many other reasons to stay vegetarian including environmental, health, financial, etc.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All life is precious.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Also, It is very healthy to be vegan!
Both health and spiritual.
I became vegan to cure my high blood pressure, later became an ethical vegan, won't even eat a cookie if it has dairy or egg, even though I know just one wouldn't affect my health.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Reasons for being Began .. Health and environmental reasons too, prevention better than cure as the saying goes.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I had a hard time choosing between ethic/compassion/animal rights and the environmental options. I think the environment is part of that.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I am a vegetarian because of ethical reasons. The best part about choosing a vegetarian diet is that it is healthy too. Peace.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
And health and environmental reasons
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
My reasons have varied over time. Ethical, environmental and for health
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
ethical and spiritual ~ how can I say that the life force or consciousness in creatures is different than that in me? My experience is when I am able to acknowledge living beings for that life force or essential self, then feel a reciprocal connection. We are connected! And I cannot contribute to the suffering of other living beings when there are so many awesome and tasty and way more healthy options!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
And, it's only natural to not eat a caucaus.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics. Hate the abuse to animals but gained so many health and environmental positives that are awesome!!!
I have many reasons why I am a vegetarian, not least health and ethical reasons. However, the environmental impact of carnivores is saddening.
I like to be different and stand out from the crowd
OF COURSE ANIMAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the last answer though i'm gonna start sayin' that!!!!!!!!!!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I consider animals some of my best friends.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
With compassionate Awareness, living in the Present Moment, we realize that we are One with All That Is, esp. all sentient beings like animals. Why cause cause further suffering to aspects of our own Inner Self, the Consciousness that pervades everything?
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
All beings deserve an opportunity to live their life. Humans have ability to consciously reason and choose and animals are defenseless creatures driven by their natural instincts. Our responsibility to care for them and not to kill!
Save animals save environment
Health is always important and religion
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Go vegan for the animals, the world and everything!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I chose ethics because environment too should fall under that category...
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
common sense
Vegan for everything
For God the Creator who made all things and cares about all creatures and the planet.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
What we are doing to animals is disgusting and inhumane. It is horrible.
It is a close tossup between ethics, compassion and animal rights and the environment choice, my view of the environment has it encompassing those though.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Health and environmental issues too.
I don't want to be part of the appalling way humans treat animals.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
health and enviornment are equally important to me
Associated reasons were spirituality  (not religion) and compassion due to an evolving sensitivity from meditation.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I believe that, being kind and compassion are the strongest strengths humans must need to have but now a days its totally lacking in humans.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
all about the ethics!!!!!!!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals can suffer and i cant see that
I did veganism for everything. I don't need to explain it.
Health and environment.
Heal, Spiritual, Ethical a combination. Recently embraced vegan and raw loving it!!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics is the most important reason closely followed by environmental and health reasons.
Ethical reasons too. Worked on farms as a kid and that experience always disturbs me.
Ethics, health, environmental, sentient being issue
Health and ethics
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
Family's choice and religious belief..
I never regret being a vegetarian..
It made me feel nice physically and other aspects of life
As a vegetarian runner I enjoy boasting about my optimal health. However, I am also all for following God's food rules and protecting the animals and the environment.
1. health 2. animal welfare 3. environment
I like to be different and stand out from the crowd
Not do much that I like to stand out, but more so that I don't like to fit in. Also for health, ethics, environment, etc. I see it all connected.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
It started out as a religious commitment but now my vegetarianism is for animal rights.
My Religious or Spiritual reasons are the most important concerns for me. However, all of the other items listed are important to me. I do not know about "standing out from a crowd". However, I do tend to be reclusive. Thanks! Hare Krsna!
Raised vegetarian and spiritual believes.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Although raised on a farm, cognitive dissonance caught up with me. Three dogs piled in a basket at a market patiently waiting to be killed and consumed was enough for me.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
There should be a mark all that apply option. I did it for peace. Peace for animals, peace for the planet, and peace for my health.
Taste ought to be in that list.
Healthy body, mind and soul
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics is the primary reason, but others are also important
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I am an animal rights activist. Vegan means justice, has nothing to do with food. I eat fruits. The most imporant action in this life is bringing justice for animals to this pile of dust, the planet of primitive dogs.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Ethics and environmental!!!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I'm actually ashamed to be human with how we treat what Mother Nature has provided us with.
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
Grew up vegetarian, later I chose to stay vegetarian and became vegan.
Every person, or animal, just wants to enjoy life. Live and let live.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I love all beings, BIG or small. Everybody deserves life and love.
Eating healthy is an investment. Manger santé est un investissement.
There is something like 150 billion animals killed every year for the current population of people. As more people adopt a western diet in Asia not only do they get negative health benefits from too much meat consumption, but forecasts see that number doubling in the next twenty years. All those animals need food and water and the math does not work out. There is not enough water and food to raise animals to be slaughtered for food and trying to do so is already having huge impacts on the planet.
Health maintenance was the trigger for going vegan rather than vegetarian
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Its the kind thing to do
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
We are visitors here. Tread lightly.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I am repulsed by the sight and smell of meat. BBQs make me gag. I don't need to take an animal's life to survive. I am appalled at the conditions animals that are slaughtered for eating are kept in. I cannot believe that people toss live lobsters into a boiling pot of water and cook them alive.  I am saddened that the greater society thinks this is okay.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Environmental as well. As we take lives, we take our own too.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
animals have a right to live as much as we all do
I chose health, but not just for the obvious reasons. I want to strive for a healthy, cruelty-free (by human hands at least) planet too.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Because everything about this diet is positive and beneficial and I've never been happier.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
There are so many good reasons. But what did it for me was 30 years ago I was about to eat some broiled flounder that was on my plate when he suddenly looked up at me and with big sad fish eyes asked "why?"
love and peace
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I have always been an animal rights activist....I also am vegetarian/vegan for health and protecton of our environment.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I started both vegetarianism and veganism I guess for the sake of it. Though, a little while after, I learned truths about it.
Due to that part of my life, I am now an animal and environmental activist.
Now, I am a misanthropist, lol
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
If you can raise and kill animals humanely, then you have the right to eat them. I can't. Just so happens that there is a HUGE health benefit for not eating animals or their milk.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals are my friends, and I don't eat my friends
Meditation is affected by what we eat. I also believe in the rights of sentient beings.
The first of the Buddhist Pratimoksa vows is "No killing."
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
My original reason was for health but I quickly came to feel that animal rights are even more important. The environment is critical too! It is difficult to select just one!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
By what right do I buy my own continuing survival by sacrificing the life of another conscious being?
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
My original reason for the choice was Health but I feel that animal rights are more important at this time.
In my mind i started as a health issue and in time came to realize that ethics was just as important.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I'd like to be able to order some of these since I have many reasons.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
To reduce suffering is the purpose of all humanity.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Better health was the initial reason for me to become vegan. Since I became vegan I realized that animals were being mistreated and they need our help!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights

Animals are unique, sentient, amazing beings that like all living beings- must be free to live and enjoy their lives:)
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
First and foremost for the animals. Environment and health are also very important to me.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Compassion, understanding, and just being more thoughtful toward animals will always be primary...but environmental issues and health are also important to me.
Why can't there be multiple equal reasons? My health is inextricably tied to compassion and the environment... and for some that is also a religion. Separating some of these things defeats the purpose.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
What is done to innocent animals for the most trivial of reasons .is so unjust and immoral.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I don't believe in exploiting and killing animals for food.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
For me, there'sv no turning my back on what I know.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Have major opposition to factory farming and feel that animals don't need to die for me to eat.
First reason was selfish - my health but then environmental and compassion occured to be not less important
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Vegan for us here is not a diet is a life style... I can not envision our family any other way, ... Our world is not only a provider but our shelter any living being deserves love, attention, happiness and a chance to live a fulfilling life with the least amount of suffering.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
ethical , health and environmental ... it is a win win win choice to become vegan. plus you can piss off your redneck family members and friends just by not eating animal products that's a bonus win
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I love animal.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Do unto others as you'd have Them do unto you.

my spiritual life is by far the most important to meand how could I grow towards the light and be eating our cousins, polluting my body temple.
waste of energy feeding animals to eat. stop breeding animals to eat them, its pointless and cruel.
the whole farming system is nuts and I know I am a farmer and a veggie. we grow crops with chemicals to feed to pigs with more chemicals to eat. Meat eaters bad luck.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Fear . Fear of the hospitals , the medications , the angry chickens . They all creep me out and keep me veggie style.So I continue.  Yes to me the ethical aspects are a supper bonus .but in reality I just can't eat dead animal . I would die of starvation of this  was my only source of father was a matador . For realz . Cow . Pork or chicken on the plate every night .So my point being is it seems that I did not choose being a veg  but rather has chosen me.
Family choice (I was brought up with my chosen diet)
Raised vegetarian, and became vegan for ethical reasons.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I Love Animals.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I've been a vegetarian for over a year now and am slowly going vegan. My health has improved so much. I have also changed my toiletries so I'm using nothing that has been tested on animals .
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
It is not just one reason, for many reasons I choose a compassionate diet.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals are so beautiful
"You are what you eat"
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Animals don't want to die and be eaten. Ask 'em.
Pretty much a tie between "religious" (although I would call it "spiritual" and the ethics/compassion/animal rights category,yet my sense of needing to do this for my spirituality came first and predominates.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
Its all about cultivating peace in the world. Veganism to me is another word for non-violence, it's not just about food. It's about life.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I love animals too much! Simple as that. :)
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I became a vegetarian at 12 for ethical reasons and have been vegan for many years.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
After many years of being a vegetarian, I am now 99% vegan - still a little way to go but I will get there.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
In addition to ethics, I find the mere thought of eating blood, blood vessels, fat, muscle, the occasional tapeworm, and some fecal matter gross!
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I have been a vegan for the past 27 years.
Ethics/Compassion/Animal Rights
I used to think animal products were necessary for our survival and therefore thought it was a necessary evil... But when I found out it wasn't...
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