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Trader Joe's Vegan Cookies Review

As a vegan with a serious sweet tooth, I've always found it difficult to find one my favorite sweets - cookies. So I was thrilled to discover Trader Joe's vegan cookies. With a bag of Trader Joe's vegan cookies in my shopping basket, soon to travel from my mouth to my belly, Trader Joe's has made my days just a little bit brighter (well, OK, quite a lot brighter). Here's my candid review of the flavors available at my store (Los Altos, California)*.

Trader Joe's Chewy Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies
My personal favorite. The name Chewy Chunky is right on. Filled with a generous supply of large chocolate chunks, not nano-sized chips like other brands, in a deliciously chewy cookie. Level of sweetness is perfect. I have trouble stopping myself before the bag is empty.
Trader Joe's Chewy Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts
Perhaps I'm just a purist, but I don't light nuts interfering. Quite good, but I usually go for the non-nut variety above.
Trader Joe's Chewy Chunky Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
As a lover of Oatmeal Raisin anything, I am a bit disappointed in Trader Joe's Oatmeal Raisin cookies. I find them just a bit too sugary sweet, and lacking sufficient spices one often finds in oatmeal raisin cookies. But I must confess, I buy these every 4th visit to TJ's for variety.
Trader Joe's Chewy Chunky Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
I'm not all a peanut butter cookie fan, but I force fed myself these for this review. Must to my delight, I found them delicious. The addition of the big chocolate chunks complimented the peanut butter flavor well. If you're a peanut butter lover, you'll love these.
* I've noticed that if I search the web, that Trader Joe's has a number of additional Vegan Cookie flavors that my local stores doesn't carry. If I come across any new ones in my travels, rest assured I'll buy them (for research purposes, of course) and add them to this page.