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 VeggieConnection Guarantee
We guarantee you'll make a meaningful connection* ...
or we'll extend your subscription for free until you do!
How it works:
  1. Purchase a 1-Year subscription.
  2. Create a truthful profile + Primary Photo and keep it visible ("Public").
  3. E-mail at least 5 distinct members each month, and a total of 30 distinct members during your entire term.
  4. If you've not had a meaningful connection*, we'll extend your term until you do!


  1. You must purchase, and pay in full, a 1-Year subscription on or after 1/1/2015.
  2. You must create a truthful, complete, approved profile, with an approved Primary Photo. Your profile and Primary Photo must be visible (not "Private") at all times.
  3. You must e-mail (not greet): (1) at least 5 distinct members each month, and (2) at least 30 distinct members total over the course of your subscription term.
  4. You must comply with Terms of Use and VeggieConnection Guarantee rules.
  5. Redemption

  6. Within 30 days following your term's expiration, if you've had no meaningful connection*, contact us for a free VeggieConnection Guarantee extension.
  7. No Refund and Continued Acceptance

  8. No refund for the original subscription fee nor other thing of value may be substituted for the VeggieConnection Guarantee Extension, and such may not be sold or transferred.
  9. Our VeggieConnection Guarantee is subject to change, effective upon posting on Your initial or continued use of after such posting will constitute your acceptance of such changes. reserves all rights to modify, suspend or cancel the program at any time without notice.

Monitor your compliance via Connection Guarantee on your Home page

* Meaningful Connection: We define this as meeting someone you like, have some degree of compatibility, and with whom you'll likely get together with more than a few times at least. However, we respect the honesty of our members so we'll let you decide what a meaningful connection means to you.


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