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Ownership of Animals
Some vegetarians/vegans oppose the ownership of animals, including pets. Do you agree?
101 Male
121 Female
222 Total
Member Comments
They are my furry family!
Cats and dogs are companion animals. If we didn't care for them they would be euthanized in shelters or left in the wild to fend for themselves.
"Ownership" is a listed word. I prefer companionship.
What would you have them all extinct !?
I share my home with companion animals (all rescues or give-ups) and I am responsible for them. Ownership never entered the equation.
I’m not sure if I would get an animal to live with me, but if I ever do it would be by adopting
Not if they are part of the family rather than owned and they are rescues.
I think there needs to be a cultursl shift in attitude and part of that is changing our vocabulary. Relationships should be symbiotic, mutually beneficial. Unless in the wild, when Humans live with animals in a domestic setting then they naturally take on the parental care giver role because animals in their care are dependent on everything from exercise and food to healthcare. I can't stand the word Ownership, to be an owner of someone is reducing them to a commodity. I'd like to see words like inhabitants being used...those that live with us. Human inhabitants and animal describe your household....more or an equal footing and of mutual respect...xx I realise that people abuse their power over animals in their care so it's a tricky debate but I do feel strongly that if we just lived with our own species then we would be alienating ourselves from other species, creating a divide and difference which can lead to further discrimination, speciesism, oppression and exploitation. Living with other species is a good education for us humans to relate and communicate with them so the desire to leave them off their plate would be stronger if we for example domesticated more farmed animals such as turkeys, pigs etc.. people could then see that they are no different to dogs and cats etc in respect to there desire for play, love, community... My dogs and cat thrive off a vegan diet..13,14 and 5yrs old...the vet is always impressed by their standard of health. They eat almost what we eat, excluding the toxic and processed foods so there is also no need to feed animals to our animals. Taurine and other plant based nutrients are all in vegan kibble and wet foods so their diet is never compromised and you can buy these nutrients if not using kibble XX
Ridiculously fanatical and over zealous. Of course not.
Pete are wonderful.
There are so many homeless pets that are euthanized daily in our shelters. It is our obligation to adopt and care for them. Although breeding animals to have as pets, or taking them from the wild to make them pets is unethical and should not be done. But those that are already domesticated have no place to go if we don't continue the companion relationship we have bred them for over thousands of years. Maybe we shouldn't have bred them in the first place, but now that it is done, would they rather have all domestic species go extinct?
No being should be owned by another. I think its okay for a being to be under the guardianship of another if needed, which includes taking care of domesticated animals or injured wildlife, as long as it is done for their best interest and not selfish human desires. Animals should never be bred.
Except for rescued animals.
I believe that it ethical to adopt rescue animals and give them a healthy and loving home. It is also important to be good caretakers of our animal companions that were part of our households prior to becoming vegan.
The wording of the question is highly ambiguous.
Does "Do you agree" mean -
Agree that they do oppose animal ownership,
Agree with the people who oppose animal owndership, or
Agree with animal ownership?
This to me seems a ludicrous question. So if there is no ownership then animals only live in the wild? Mankind has destroyed so many habitats ecosystems and there's no way for range animals to roam. There is a network of animal life with herbivores and predators. Should we eliminate all the carnivores? Pets bring us joy and we take care of each other. Granted some are abusive. You might as well throw compassion out the window if want to get rid of all pets. There's a lot of angry people out there that don't want anyone to be happy. Think about it.
My pets are both rescues and neutered. I'm definitely against breeding animals for the pet industry when there are so many that need homes. Only for the rare exception of breeding animals that are near extinction. Also what about farm animal sanctuaries they have to own their sweet rescues until the world becomes more compassionate, and factory farming is totally gone...just a memory.
"Owning" a cat is something of a rarity, and temporary for sure. The other way around usually.
For dogs, they're willingly domesticated Wolves.
I suspect the wolves asked us to domesticate them, long long ago, they figured those monkeys running around throwing fruits and sticks where funny, and could use the extra brain for
evolving off our tricks, by playing new games.
Unless you have , allergies , no time , food or money to take care of an animal , I see no reasson as to why not share your life with one! Seems like the reason has more to do with own health reasons or hype trying to be different. Very sad , nevertheless better than not being vegetarian. Or vegan , bet thesePeople also enrich companies abusing animals by buyin products tested on animals, like perfumes,make up etc...not the kind of people I 'd like to have as friends. Reminds me of today's faKebook friends ! But then again some peopleOnly care. About themselves or their offspring. ....
If you bought it it is yours. You are responsible for it and if the animal does anything bad or gets sick you must "own" up to the responsibility. So in a sense... Yes in my opinion you own your pets/animals.
Yes and No depend on circumstances. It's everybody's right how one wants to live and whom to live with as long as no harm to others including animals. Some animals are better to live in nature not being captured in the small space of humans' homes, but some others need to be sheltered and be fed by humans to survive.
As long as it's in the animals interest (ie it wasn't breed especially to be a pet). Adopting companion animals is awesome :)
I think the fact is that as humans we are able to provide vastly safer, less painful, and more joyful lives to animals then they would find in the wild. Ownership is a legal term. In practice, it can be used for good, because you have the legal right to say what happens to the animal.
There are a lot of old souls that choose to have their animal natures manifest into a loving human family to their benefit as well as well as that of the humans they share their life with. Interaction with animals is a productive way of working with and raising up our own inner animal natures. Why would we want to negate part of our common purpose in life?
I'm against the breeding and selling of animals, but rescuing an animal is a beautiful way to improve their life and your own. We have a chinchilla companion that my husband rescued years ago and he is part of our family.
My dog is my life. I think about her when were not together, which isnt very often. The joy she has when I get home, the spins she does when im about to feed her, and the fact that she cuddles into my tummy, under the covers at night shows her pure joy. She is family. She was puppy milled before I rescued her, she deserves the best life possible after that.
That's a very controversial question and there's no short answer but I believe in rescuing animals. I'm totally against Pet Shops selling animals for-profit.
I do agree, but then I don't . If they were raised free then yea don't ever own a pet, but because the world has domesticated these animals they no longer know how to fully survive on their own now, even if they did which they probably could, the world wouldn't allow it and it'll just end up in the pound. So why have it stay in a pound rather than a home that it can be loved and partially free.
Yes, I oppose ownership but agree with guardianship and companionship if that's what the animal wishes for and/or needs. I believe it can be a very beneficial symbiosis for both parties.
I do not see it as ownership, they are companions. However, I do not agree with keeping exotic animals as pets/companions.
I have many companion animals but I don't own them. Does that make sense?
Rescue rescue rescue! Not pets, they are companion family members.
Well... Ownership? I oppose buying them from shops and breeders. My cat was found on the streets only 4 weeks old, weak, dirty. So now I have her as companion.
Life is too short to not be owned by a rescued cat or dog!
My dog is a beloved member of my family
Put yourself in their position. What right do we as humans have to force an unnatural lifestyle on them to prove we are "superior" beings?
I think its ok to keep animals as pets. Rescue is a very good option to bring abused pets out of their homes and into more loving homes where they can spend the rest of their lives in a happier place.
Yes, only because I'm not a pet fan. I don't like pet smells, hair, piss, doo doo's inside my house.
Humans and Animals can bond very well and benefit immensely by their interactions.
Cats and dogs are fine. I don't like seeing any animal in a tank or cage though, especially birds! I personally do not own pets.
My cat has a better and longer life than a wild one
As long as they are domestic animals that are treated like a family members and well taken care of. I don't like the circus or the zoo where the animals are abused and locked in cages.
I have nearly always shared my life with brilliant, loving cats. I don't consider that I "own" them any more than I "owned" my children, however.
If there is a law to prioritize animals out of city shelters then it should be no problem - fortunately Toronto has a law to prioritize animals from city shelters into pet stores for adoption.
I have a cat and a dog and they are treated like royalty, my cat snuggles me half the day when i am not working and my beautiful dog gets a one hr walk daily and tons of cuddles, they are both very happy
Some people, even the non-vegetarians and non-vegans, oppose the ownership of animals and having pets. Some people do not oppose such things. This isn't opinion-based, it's fact-based.
How can I help only livestock and not those dying everyday in a shelter or by an abuser? That is not how I think or feel! I rescue to SAVE lives isn't that what we are all doing every day when we don't eat meat?
No , I prefer coexistence . Some times it seems they own me.
I would not breed animals , even feel bad for the fish in the pond
I oppose zoos and circuses, but having a furry little family member is wonderful, especially if it's a rescue! Plus, my cat would be really mad if I put him out and didn't feed him!
It's not about "owning"'s about sharing ur life with an innocent and loving creature. And about expanding ur capacity to love by returning it to them and by caring forth EM and making their lives wonderful. Just like any other relationship
Non-human animals are our friends and companions in life.
If the animal is well cared for and given enough space to roam about than would it be ok?
I have pets that are all rescues. I also work with animal rescue organizations
If they are from a shelter... it's something very good.
I have two beautiful dogs, and one is a rescue.
Althpugh I don't view companion animals as being "owned," I believe that we have a responsibility as humans to care for those species that we have domesticated over centuries who now have no choice but to rely on us.
I am, just speaking for me . I am not advocating for any one else . I grew up on a farm and we had all kinds of animals and I learned to love them. They were able to go out each day ,freely wounder around with others of their kind and be what they were. Of course they needed our care ,but they had a chance to have life of their own. Now that I live in the city ,it is very hard for an animal to each day live as it would if it could wander around in nature.
I am just saying how I feel. I have no problem with others having animals
I think animal ownership should be phased out. I am against breeding pets for profit but I am for rescuing/ adopting the animals already in need of human care. It's our responsibility to care for them because they are a result of humanities selfishness.
Any rule that is absolute is unjust in some cases. I choose not to own animals, but don't judge others.
Yeah animals are cool, just take care of them properly and LOVE! ....I am against breeding for profit though.
We don't own them, they own us! haha
Well I buy racehorses before they end up for meat. I pay for them and their papers are transferred into my name. So I own them. I know they are glad that I own them
My pets are my family.
You can't "own" a living being. "Owning" and "keeping" animals for selfish purposes is slavery. Also non-human animals are supposed to be free and do whatever they want to. If you keep them in a small flat how could they? There are some exceptions... But it's quite a big issue for that little space. Wanna argue? Message me. ;-)
We are caregiver of the animals and Mother earth,we dont have any ownership to anybody.We dont own anything
We don't own them. We care for them and they share our lives.
They deserve to live also I rescued a dog that was on death row as a vegan, don't believe death was the answer.
Domesticated animals don't do well on their own. It's our responsibility to provide care for them.
I don't think it's a anyone's business if you have a relationship with an animal and nurture them.
As long as it's loving.
I'm passionate about my views but not dominating/forceful with them.
I don't have to agree with all of your view points and I'm open to adapt my own if it's a noble fresh perspective.
I don't think owning animals or having pets is a bad thing. Some animals aren't meant to be pets and some are more adaptable to being around humans. With any animal or pet...I would say not to keep them caged or inside all of the time. Most animals love and need to roam free and get fresh air and sun light. I know people who rarely ever let their pets go outside and these animals look and show symptoms of sadness or depression. In conclusion...Let a cat do cat things...Dog do Dog things, etc.
animals should be our family too
If you can provide an animal with a decent life and prevent them from being treated with cruelty, then why not?
If there is a poor pet, that wouldn't be able to live on his own, i will help em. But I'm totally against CIRCUS and dogbreeding..
Humans have domesticated animals, and we are responsible for caring for those already in existence. But should also support spay/neuter programs to reduce how many homeless dogs/cats/etc. are out there.
"We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as 'wild'. Only to the white man was nature a 'wilderness' and only to him was it 'infested' with 'wild' animals and 'savage' people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery."-- Oglala Lakota Chief Luther Standing Bear
an exotic animal I would oppose ownership of.
Nothing wrong in caring for an animal
Pets are not going to be banned. For that matter eating meat is not going to be banned. Be serious.
Just like the very wise saying of St. Francis of Assisi once described his relation to the natural world. Like brother's trees, sister rivers, and so on. So if we could at least fortunate enough to have a vision of equality to consider our relationship-role to the lower-conscious beings (animals & etc) as godbrothers and sisters. This blessed world would be an arena for the Gods and a live-able place for any denizens of the three worlds!
Animals should be our friends...not owned objects, I have a few German Shepherds..that are trained therapy Dogs, that support my charity work.. Animals can do so much for our Health too! I have also had a raccoon, a fox and a deer... We can learn so much from other creatures.. People that have no contact with animals.. are really missing something in life!
As someone that volunteered for a cat shelter, cats and dogs if not adopted go through so much. Whether they are left to fend for themselves or to be left sick to die :(
It's not their fault, it's ours and whatever it is we need to do to keep them happy and healthy in a loving home is important. They are people too. I don't see them as "pets".
To deny a person an animal or a pet the experience of a deep connection is the true sin. Its ok to breath every now and then, isn't it?
I've had lots of animals decide to live with me, some domestic and some wild. I know that I don't "own" any of them.
At one time in history it was socially acceptable to own slaves...I think it comes down to allowing other living things to live as they choose.
If you are an ethical vegetarian, you are opposed to the suffering and killing of animals. Maintaining an animal at the cost of making another animal suffer and be killed via (meat cat or dog food) makes no sense at all. However there are many veg alternatives that some animal care takers swear by that keep their animals healthy and happy. From What I'v heard veg cat recipes are harder to make/ get then the dog dishes. If its an animal like a Tiger who's whole digestive tract is designed for meat, if might be cruel to force a vegetarian diet, but perhaps someone has experience with mock meat that tigers love? Of course tigers should be in the wild, but in the case where they are injured or have been neglected as cubs, or can not care for themselves, as with any animal I do believe we have a responsibility to care for them if we can. I suspect if there is enough care and knowledge any animal can adapt to a vegetarian diet, which might be a disaster when in the wild, but in captivity, a veg diet can have a very mellowing effect. Here is what appears to be a well cared for vegetarian crocodile:
However, it would depend on the animal. I would say no if the animal were non-domesticated. For example, owning tigers and other wild animals.
It's a grey area. I have animals in my care and as long as I try to ensure they have a nice life, without being exploited, then I'm ok with that. Keeping them chained up or without the opportunity to explore and run free is awful and cruel.
In a perfect world yes
Nobody owns cats. You only live with them
i don't believe in ownership of any kind. I do not own a pet. I do have human and animal roommates though...
I am against the breeding of dogs or other animals for exploitation but believe giving a home to a rescue animal is the right thing to do and if it only helps to alleviate the suffering of a few creatures, is important as each one is of value.
The "sin" is in the breeding of them not the taking care of them. I don't know that it's correct to have carnivorous pets - why should one animal such as a cow, chicken, pig or fish die to feed our pet? Having said this, I also sometimes think the adopting and rescuing of pets also inadvertently fuels the breeding of them. In a perfect world, there'd be no domestic animals and we'd all learn to connect and love the wild critters.
You'r only a caretaker not a owner :-)
just don't eat them
Never heard this before, all of the sheep that live at my place were orphaned, they were being sold to grow for the freezer! Some are now 5 years old but would of only been 3 months, We also adopted a dog from the local dogs home which always has 350 dogs in cages. If you can offer another being a better life then go for it!
What are we going to ban ownership of pets now? My dogs have a great life...they are treated like my kids. Lets get rid of more important things like Transgender freaks in women and children's washrooms. Okay all those intelligent....souls out there...where are these animals going to go if we don't look after them. Maybe the way of the Yulin festival in Korea I'm getting really sick of sheep telling me what to do...go get a life.!!!
Depends. Some animals are not suited to domesticated lives. I think of fish and reptiles and the like.
All domesticated animals should be phased out so that animals can live out their lives independent of human 'ownership' or control. We have a responsibility to the ones who are already here, but more should not be created if at all possible.
Pets are fine as long as they are not caged and they are given all they need and respected for the beautiful spirits they are. Ideally I prefer to create a garden that is wildlife friendly so you can enjoy animals in their natural environment and are free to come and go.
Also much can be learnt from the unconditional love a pet can give. So if you're thinking about getting a pet make sure you have the time and facilities to have the privilege of the love they will bring you.
Domesticated animals such as dogs and cats can have wonderful lives as a 'pet', provided they are given the right food, exercise, opportunity to socialise etc. I don't agree with keeping caged animals though such as parrots, monkeys.
I do think a person should try to give their pet the healthiest diet they know of and plenty of exercise. It saddens me when I see peoples so overweight and sickly.
as long as we treat them with respect, we should rescue not buy.
Since humans caused the problem, then humans need to step up and take care of them. We're really guardians, not owners. Maybe the day will come when there won't be any more domesticated animals but only free "wild" ones, not in my lifetme, I'm sure. Since they're here maybe they have a right to stay.?? They're caught in the middle of a dilemma caused by selfish manipulative mankind. It's not a matter of a right. They don't do well in the wild, coyotes, cars, etc. If we truly care about their well being then we have a moral obligation to put aside this sterile mentality of " ooh, I don't like the smell, or cat hair", or whatever and help them. Come on people ! Step up !
I believe pets and humans are able to positively contribute to each others lives.
I have a better relationship with cats than most people. Just sayin'.
I don't see it as "owning," but rather parenting a fellow creature that needs a loving, respectful forever home. Would they rather see these beings homeless, hit by cars as they roam the streets in the elements or euthanized? Some people need to lighten up!
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