| VegInNotOut Within this new regime of equal opportunity scorched earth, the factory farms are blaming eggflation on the animal welfare laws in order to undo that already miniscule concession to the poor animals raised in hell to be killed for unnecessary human consumption. 13 hr ago Like0 like this |
| VegInNotOut What's on my mind? Transgender mice. I cannot unhear it. It's also a dilemma as I would love them to stop torturing the poor critters and any which way they do, including due to their ignorance of science and the English language and misguided efforts to attack transgender people -- but at the same time, I would love them to stop torturing us. This idiocracy is excruciating. March 7 2025 Like1 like this |
| Tveg With all the insanity in our government, I need to vent! Do you think Ukraine will last long fighting Putin, Trump, and Kim Jong Un? Will a simple majority with their knees shaking in Congress declare war on Ukraine if ordered by Trump? A military think tank feels the Baltics will be next, which will take three days basically unopposed as it will be all over by the time Poland gets there. Simultaneously, we are facing an autocrat takeover. This is the scariest time in my life by far! A big thank you to all the uneducated and gullible! March 6 2025 Like2 like this |
| VegInNotOut Well, it seems that our facetious chatter about Andrew Tate wanting to come to the criminally-run country of Trump is for real. Trump pulled some strings and the Tate bros, accused by multiple countries of sex-trafficking and sex crimes, are being released from Romania and headed to the US haven for criminals, especially those specializing in crimes against women. February 27 2025 Like0 like this |
| VegInNotOut Found an awesome vegan source of complete protein: Koia -- and it is delicious, with many flavors and available at Whole Foods, Starbucks etc February 23 2025 Like0 like this |