Vegetarian Male, 55, seeks: | |
Dating: | Females |
Friends: | Females |
H | Henderson, Nevada, USA | 8333mi/13332km | |
Open to PenPals |
Physical Description | |||
Me | My Date | My Friend | |
Gender | Male | Female | Female |
Age | 55 | any to 52 | any |
Zodiac | ♋ Cancer | ||
Height | 5'7" (170 cm) | 3'0" (91 cm) to 5'9" (175 cm) | any |
Weight | 176 lbs (80 kg) | (unused) | (unused) |
Hair Color | Light Brown | (unused) | (unused) |
Eye Color | Brown | (unused) | (unused) |
Body Type | Average | any | any |
Ethnicity | Other | any | any |
Personal Information | |||
Me | My Date | My Friend | |
Diet | Vegetarian |
Semi-Vegetarian Vegetarian Vegan Raw Vegetarian Raw Vegan Fruitarian Macrobiotic
any |
Relationship | Separated | any | any |
Occupation | Other | (unused) | (unused) |
Have Children | Yes (living with me) | (unused) | (unused) |
Want Children with future partner | Undecided/Any | any | any |
Smoking | No | any | any |
Drinking | Occasionally | any | any |
Education | Some College | any | any |
Income | ? | (unused) | (unused) |
Religion | Muslim / Islam | any | any |
Language skill | English |
any | any |
Credentials | 0 Request Credentials | ||
Covid Vaccination | Unanswered |
My Lifestyle | |||
Member has not entered any information in this section as yet. |
Why I'm Vegetarian |
Ethical and health reasons. I don't think it's right to cause animals suffering. |
Informative? 0 0 × |