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Semi-Vegetarian Female, 37, seeks:
Dating: Males
Friends: Males
H Oslo, Norway 4206mi/6730km Map
Willing to Relocate
Physical Description
  Me My Date My Friend
Gender Female Male Male
Age 37 45 to 55 40 to 55
Height 5'3" (160 cm) 5'11" (180 cm) to 6'3" (191 cm) 5'10" (178 cm) to 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight 132 lbs (60 kg) (unused) (unused)
Hair Color Dark Brown (unused) (unused)
Eye Color Brown (unused) (unused)
Body Type Average
No Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Athletic/Muscular
Yes A few extra pounds
No Large
No Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Athletic/Muscular
Yes A few extra pounds
No Large
Ethnicity Asian
Yes Caucasian/White
No African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
No Indian
No Native Pacific
No Latino
No Middle-Eastern
No Other
Yes Caucasian/White
No African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
No Indian
No Native Pacific
No Latino
No Middle-Eastern
No Other
Personal Information
  Me My Date My Friend
Diet Semi-Vegetarian
Yes Semi-Vegetarian
Yes Vegetarian
Yes Vegan
Yes Raw Vegetarian
Yes Raw Vegan
No Fruitarian
No Macrobiotic
Yes Semi-Vegetarian
Yes Vegetarian
Yes Vegan
Yes Raw Vegetarian
Yes Raw Vegan
Yes Fruitarian
No Macrobiotic
Relationship Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Divorced)
Yes Single (Widowed)
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Yes Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Divorced)
Yes Single (Widowed)
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Medical / Dental / Health (unused) (unused)
Have Children No (unused) (unused)
Want Children with future partner Yes
Yes Yes
No Undecided/Any
No No
Yes Yes
No Undecided/Any
No No
Smoking No
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking Occasionally
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Regularly
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Regularly
Education Bachelors Degree Associates Degree Associates Degree
Income ? (unused) (unused)
Religion Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Other
Yes Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Other
Language skill
Yes English
Yes Norwegian
Yes English
Yes Norwegian
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
My Gifts (0)

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My Lifestyle
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I'm Semi-Vegetarian. What I currently eat and why I'm interested in vegetarianism....
I dream to be vegan. Or at least 100%Vegetarian. As of now, I am 90%for fish still part of my diet. But, I am working on myself to it. Having a partner around who desire the best for itself and the animals is heaven to be. 
More About Me
I am Filipina working in Greece, recently waiting for Student visa approval so to live in Norway and continue my kompletterende utdanning for sykepleiere. Loves health and active lifestyle. 
I'm Looking For
An imperfect person as I am with a beautiful heart and soul. 
Member for 3 years
Last Login 10 months ago

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