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Vegan Female, 40, seeks:
Dating: Males
Friends: Either
H Kyiv, Ukraine 4068mi/6509km Map
Willing to Relocate
Open to PenPals
Physical Description
  Me My Date My Friend
Gender Female Male Either
Age 40 33 to 45 35 to 55
Zodiac ♎ Libra    
Height 5'8" (173 cm) 5'9" (175 cm) to 6'6" (198 cm) any
Weight 121 lbs (55 kg) (unused) (unused)
Hair Color Light Brown (unused) (unused)
Eye Color Gray (unused) (unused)
Body Type Slim/Slender any any
Ethnicity Caucasian/White any any
Personal Information
  Me My Date My Friend
Diet Vegan
No Semi-Vegetarian
No Vegetarian
Yes Vegan
No Raw Vegetarian
No Raw Vegan
No Fruitarian
No Macrobiotic
No Semi-Vegetarian
No Vegetarian
Yes Vegan
No Raw Vegetarian
Yes Raw Vegan
No Fruitarian
No Macrobiotic
Relationship Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Divorced)
Yes Single (Widowed)
Yes Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Other (unused) (unused)
Have Children No (unused) (unused)
Want Children with future partner No any any
Smoking No
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking Occasionally any any
Education Masters Degree any any
Income ? (unused) (unused)
Religion Atheist
Yes Atheist
Yes Spiritual but not religious
Yes Atheist
Yes Spiritual but not religious
Language skill
Yes English
Yes French
Yes Italian
Yes Japanese
Yes Polish
Yes Spanish
Yes Ukrainian
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Prefer not to say I prefer not to say
My Gifts (5)
My Lifestyle
Member has not entered any information in this section as yet.
Why I'm Vegan
I'm vegan for the animals and the planet 
More About Me
Hi, I'm Oliko, I'm vegan for 12 years; spicy, joyful, creative, sensual, loyal, emphatic and always practice gratitude. I'm nature lover, super passionate about trees, flowers, gems. One of my fluent languages is dance, also I really appreciate hard laughs. 
I'm Looking For
Looking for genuine connection, sincere smiles and nice sense of humor 
Member for 3 years
Last Login 8 months ago

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