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Vegetarian Female, 54, seeks:
Dating: Males
Friends: Either
H Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay 4571mi/7314km Map
Physical Description
  Me My Date My Friend
Gender Female Male Either
Age 54 45 to 65 45 to 65
Zodiac ♐ Sagittarius    
Height 5'7" (170 cm) any any
Weight 137 lbs (62 kg) (unused) (unused)
Hair Color Dark Blonde (unused) (unused)
Eye Color Blue (unused) (unused)
Body Type Athletic/Muscular
Yes Slim/Slender
Yes Average
Yes Athletic/Muscular
Yes A few extra pounds
No Large
Ethnicity Caucasian/White
Yes Caucasian/White
Yes African Descent/Black
Yes Native American Indian
No Asian
Yes Indian
No Native Pacific
Yes Latino
Yes Middle-Eastern
No Other
Personal Information
  Me My Date My Friend
Diet Vegetarian any any
Relationship Single (Divorced)
Yes Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Divorced)
Yes Single (Widowed)
Yes Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Yes Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Divorced)
No Single (Widowed)
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Other (unused) (unused)
Have Children No (unused) (unused)
Want Children with future partner No
No Yes
No Undecided/Any
Yes No
Smoking Occasionally
No No
Yes Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking Occasionally
No No
Yes Occasionally
No Regularly
Education Masters Degree any any
Income $35,000 - $49,999 US (unused) (unused)
Religion Spiritual but not religious
Yes Agnostic
Yes Atheist
Yes Bahá'í Faith
Yes Buddhist
Yes Christian/Catholic
Yes Christian/LDS
Yes Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Other
Yes Confucian
Yes Hindu
Yes Jain
Yes Jewish
Yes Muslim / Islam
Yes Pagan
Yes Pantheist
Yes Rastafari
Yes Sikh
Yes Spiritual but not religious
Yes Taoist
Language skill
Yes English
Yes German
Yes Spanish
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Fully Vaccinated 2 primary doses, no boosters
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My Lifestyle
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Why I'm Vegetarian
I went to travel in India many years ago and came back a vegetarian. Once I was veg, it was a no brainer. We do not need to eat meat. I have been veg for almost thirty years, and come out with flying colours every health checkup. I work with horses, I have loved them since I was a child, and could never IMAGINE eating one of them, just like I would not eat a dog or a guinea pig, so why should I eat cows or sheep.? By now, after so many years of veg, I cannot imagine ever going back to eating meat. I now have a 100 % vegetarian guest house restaurant in very carnivorous Uruguay. 
More About Me
About Me I have an eclectic range of interests—music, horses, travel, yoga, good literature, vegetarian cooking, gardening, and a deep connection with nature. I’ve lived an unconventional life, well-traveled and feeling like a true citizen of the world. I’m multilingual, have an alternative lifestyle, and have built and successfully run an equestrian tourism business. I was married once for several years, have no children but many beloved animals. I’m physically fit, active, and a strong woman who knows her own mind and is comfortable in her own skin. I’m financially and emotionally independent, and I would be a loyal and committed partner for someone who would enjoy sharing my lifestyle and all I have to offerin beautiful Uruguay. Life on my little farm is busy and never boring, but I also cherish quiet evenings by the fireplace—reading a good book, watching a movie, playing music, or enjoying a relaxing moment. I’m independent, open to new adventures, and always eager to learn. I’m comfortable with who I am and am excited to share my life with someone who appreciates it. 
I'm Looking For
I’m looking for someone who is healthy, addiction-free, financially independent, and open-minded. Someone who is open to travel and, if things progress, is willing to consider eventually relocating to my beautiful home and land in the hills of Uruguay. You should enjoy the idea of living on a charming property within a friendly community that I helped to establish. I’d love to find someone who can make me laugh, embraces all that life has to offer, and is proactive yet relaxed—motivated to make the most out of life. If you’re up for new adventures, comfortable with who you are, and excited about the possibility of a shared life in a unique and vibrant setting, we might just be a great match. 
Member for 2 months
Last Login 19 days ago

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